Template for Province or District maps for the Congo Kinshasa.
Each province has an ID in the form Province with the name, e.g. ProvinceKatanga
The Provinces are only the outline stroke, no filling
Each district has an ID in the form District with the name, e.g. DistrictThsilinge
The Districts are the filling, so Provinces that don't have multiple district have a District ID for the filling.
Feel free to add cities, rivers and neighboring countries data on the Map. ---Moyogo 10:38, 30 September 2005 (UTC)
Please note: This image is used in at least one case as a base map for a locator image; if you change or replace it in a way that moves its geographic features, images superimposed on it at specific locations will no longer be accurate. Please be careful. Thank you.
Eau - waters
Provinces2006 - provinces of the 2006 constitution
Template for Province or District maps for the Congo Kinshasa. Each province has an ID in the form Province with the name, e.g. ProvinceKatanga The Provinces are only the outline stroke, no filling Each district has an ID in the form District with the n